Science of SOVA Nightguard

Posted by Lisa Edwards on Mar 17th 2017

Science of SOVA Nightguard

Have you ever thought about what goes into the design of a great mouthguard? 

Working with brilliant scientists and engineers, Dr. Akervall, M.D., PHD, developed a guard that was both protective and comfortable. We introduced these guards to the sports market as SISU Mouthguards, but as our athletes started wearing our sports guards for grinding, we were hard pressed to develop a new line - the night grinding guard. 

 It has been our goal to bring groundbreaking, protective technology out of the operating room and into the home of every athlete and night grinder. We've been thrilled to see the elation of our customers who have finally found a night grinding mouthguard that better protects their teeth and is comfortable enough to wear throughout the night. 

Here's how the technology found in the SOVA Night Guard works:
